
10/5/2020 - 10/12/2020

Set: A collection of distinguishable objects, with unordered, non-repeating elements

Two sets are equal if their elements are equal


  • \(z \in S\) - element member
  • \(S = \{1, 2, 3\}\) - complete denotation
  • \(\emptyset\) - empty set
  • \(Z\) - integers
  • \(R\) - real numbers
  • \(N\) - natural numbers (no 0)
  • \(Q\) - rational numbers
  • \(A \subseteq B\) - all elements in A are in B (subset)
    • \(\forall x, x \in A \to x \in B\)
  • \(A \cap B\) - all elements in A and B (intersection)
    • \(\{x: x \in A \land x \in B\}\)
  • \(A \cup B\) - all elements in A or B (union)
    • \(\{x: x \in A \lor x \in B\}\)
  • \(A - B\) - all elements in A but not B (difference)
    • \(\{x: x \in A \land x \notin B\}\)
  • \(A \Delta B\) - all elements in exactly one set (symmetric difference)
    • \(\{x: x \in (A - B) \lor x \in (B - A) \}\)

Given a universe of discourse \(\Omega\):

  • \(\bar{A} = \Omega - A\) - all elements not in A (complement)

Demorgan’s Laws:

  • \(\overline{A \cap B} = \bar{A} \cup \bar{B}\)
  • \(\overline{A \cup B} = \bar{A} \cap \bar{B}\)


  • \(\{ x \in N | \frac{x}{2} \in N \}\) - even number definition by restricted comprehension
  • \(\{ x | P(x) \}\) - unrestricted comprehension

Power Set: The set of all of a set’s subsets

Russel’s Paradox

Extraordinary Sets: All sets that include themselves as an element (ex. the set of everything that is not a teacup)

Ordinary Sets: All sets that don’t have themselves as a member

Paradox: Does the set of all ordinary sets contain itself?

This is a paradox - which means that the set of all sets cannot exist


Ex. \(<\) - the set of all ordered pairs \((a, b)\) s.t. \(a < b\)

  • Cartesian product of 2 sets A, B: \(\{ (a, b) | a \in A \land b \in B \}\)
    • e.g. \(\{c, d\} \times \{1, 2, 3\} = \{(c, 1), (c, 2), (c, 3), (d, 1), (d, 2), (d, 3)\}\)

Binary Relation

A binary relation on A and B is defined by some subset of \(A \times B\) - some examples of binary relations on \(N \times N\) are:

  • \(=\): \(\{(1, 1), (2, 2), ...\}\)
  • \(<\): \(\{(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), ...\}\)

This can be denoted \(a < b \to (a, b) \in <\)



For this notation, the symbol \(\sim\) represents an arbitrary relation. This can also be denoted \(R\), but that doesn’t look good in LaTeX.

  • Reflexive: \(x \sim x\)
    • ex: =, <=
  • Symmetric: \(x \sim y \implies y \sim x\)
    • ex: =, but not < or <=
  • Transitive: \(x \sim y \land y \sim z \implies x \sim z\)
    • ex: =, <, <=
    • but not: \(\{ (x, y) | x, y \in N \land x = y - 1\}\)

If a relation has all 3 properties, it is called an equivalence relation


A function is a binary relation defined on the cross product of the domain and the codomain.

Given 2 sets A and B, a function \(f\) is a binary relation on \(A \times B\) s.t. for all x in A, there exists exactly one y in B s.t. \((x, y) \in f\)

Notation: \(f: A \to B\)


An undirected graph can be represented as a tuple \(G = (V, E)\) where V and E are sets (vertices, edges), where \(E \subseteq \{\{x, y\} | x, y \in V \land x \neq y\}\) (set of sets of two vertices)

A digraph is similar, but E must use ordered pairs rather than sets to indicate the direction of the edge, and an edge can go to the same vertex. \(E \subseteq \{(x, y) | x, y \in V \times V\}\)


(1) --- (2)     V = {1, 2, 3}
 |              E = {{1, 2}, {1, 3}}
(1) --> (2)     V = {1, 2, 3}
 ^              E = {(1, 2), (3, 1)}

You can use digraphs to represent relations:

  • Reflexive: every vertex has a self-loop
  • Symmetric: all arrows must be bi-directional
  • Transitive: the “jump” edge must exist (bottom of drawing)


Alphabet: Any finite set (usually notated \(\Sigma\))

A string over \(\Sigma\) is a finite length sequence of elements from \(\Sigma\)

The length of a string x \(|x|\) is the number of symbols in x

An empty string is a unique string of length 0, notated \(\epsilon\)

A symbol with an exponent (e.g. \(a^x\)) is repeated that many times


\(a^0 = \epsilon\) and \(a^{m+1}=a^m a\)

\(\Sigma^*\) is the set of all strings over the alphabet \(\Sigma\)


\(\emptyset^* = \{\epsilon\}\)

Propositional Logic

A proposition is a statement that is true or false.


  • not: \(\lnot\)
  • and: \(\land\)
  • or: \(\lor\)
  • implies: \(\implies\)
  • iff: \(\iff\)


  • 0, 1 (false, true)


  • \(X = \{P, Q, R, ...\}\)

Series of propositions/operations can be modeled using truth tables (which I am not going to write here, because tables in RST suck)

Tautology: A proposition that is true in any given state of the universe

Contradiction: A proposition that is false in any given state of the universe

Valid Argument: The conjunction of all givens and the negation of the output is false in all states.

e.g. given the argument:

P -> Q

\((P \implies Q) \land P \land (\lnot Q)\) is always false.

Useful Tautologies

P -> Q      P -> Q      P -> Q      P or Q
P           not Q       Q -> R      not P
---         ---         ---         ---
Q           not P       P -> R      Q

P           P and Q     Q
---         ---         ---
P or Q      Q           P and Q


For finite sets, the cardinality of a set is the number of elements in the set.

Denoted, given a set A, \(|A|\). \(|\emptyset| = 0\)

For infinite sets:

  • countably infinite: all elements in the set can be put in a 1-to-1 correspondence with natural numbers, or a list of the elements can be generated
    • e.g. natural numbers (\(f(m) = m\))
    • even integers (\(f(m) = 2m\))
    • integers (\(f(m) = (-1)^m \lfloor \frac{m}{2} \rfloor\))
    • strings over the alphabet \(\{0, 1\}\)
    • rational numbers (map \(N \times N\) onto \(\frac{p}{q}\) by making a list)
    • the union of any two countable sets
    • strings over any finite alphabet
  • uncountably infinite
    • e.g. real numbers (diagonalization)
    • set of all languages


Let’s go back and look at \(\Sigma^*\) - all strings over an alphabet.

  • \(\Sigma^*\) is countably infinite, but
  • \(P(\Sigma^*)\) is not!

You can use diagonalization to prove that \(P(\Sigma^*)\) is uncountably infinite using the same binary argument as real numbers - use 1 to indicate an element’s presence in the subset, and 0 to indicate its not

In general, the power set of any set has greater cardinality than that set.