Push-Down Automata

PDAs give us a form of memory by introducing a stack, which has infinite space but containing a finite number of elements:


Formal Definition

\(M = (Q, \Sigma, \Gamma, \delta, s, F)\) where

  • \(Q\) is a finite set of states
  • \(\Sigma\) is a finite set (symbols - input alphabet)
  • \(\Gamma\) is a finite set (symbols - stack alphabet)
  • \(\delta: (Q \times (\Sigma \cup \{ \epsilon \}) \times (\Gamma \cup \{ \epsilon \})) \to P(Q \times (\Gamma \cup \{ \epsilon \}))\)
    • Takes a state, maybe something from the input, maybe something from the stack (popped)
    • Produces some subset of states (non-deterministic) and something to push on stack, optionally
  • \(s \in Q\) is the start state
  • \(F \subset Q\) is the accept states

Ex 1

  • \(L = \{ 0^n 1^n | n \geq 0 \}\)
  • \(Q = \{q_1, q_2, q_3, q_4\}\)
  • \(\Sigma = \{0, 1\}\)
  • \(\Gamma = \{ \hat{0}, $ \}\)
  • \(s = q_1\)
  • \(F = \{ q_1, q_4 \}\)
  • \(\delta\) is represented by this state diagram:
  • Design: Push 0s onto the stack, pop an equal number of 1s.

\(x, y \to z\) represents whether to read, what to pop, and what to push, if any.


Ex 2

\(L = \{ w w^R | w \in \{0, 1\}^* \}\)



The transition \(q_2 \to q_3\) is nondeterministic and can be an epsilon move.

Ex 3

The complement of \(L = \{ w w | w \in \{0, 1\}^* \}\) (see CFG ex. 5)



You can make a PDA for any CFG using 3 states:

Place $ and start in stack
Do repeatedly:
    If var on top:
        Pop it and push right side of rule (*)
    If terminal on top:
        If it matches the stack, advance read head
        If not, fail
    If $ on top:


*: This means we allow pushing entire strings onto the stack. This can be done character-wise, but it’s faster this way.

Ex 1


Ex 2


CKY Algorithm

Given a CFG, how do you determine whether \(x \in L(G)\)?

Examine the substrings (grammar should be in CNF):

Ex 1

S := AB | BA | SS | AC | BD
A := a
B := b
C := SB
D := SA

Is aabbab in the language? The table represents ways to get from top to right. Fill in the diagonals (longest first):

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

| 0   |     |     |     |     |     |   |
| {A} | 1   |     |     |     |     |   |
| {}  | {A} | 2   |     |     |     |   |
| {}  | {S} | {B} | 3   |     |     |   |
| {S} | {C} | {}  | {B} | 4   |     |   |
| {D} | {S} | {}  | {S} | {A} | 5   |   |
| {S} | {C} | {}  | {C} | {S} | {B} | 6 |

Since it is possible to get from 0 to 6 using the start variable, the string is in the language.

Ex 2

S := AB | BC
A := BA | a
B := CC | b
C := AB | a

Is baaba in the language?

0 1 2 3 4 5

| 0         | b      |        |        |        |   |
| {B}       | 1      | a      |        |        |   |
| {A, S}    | {A, C} | 2      | a      |        |   |
| {}        | {B}    | {A, C} | 3      | b      |   |
| {}        | {B}    | {S, C} | {B}    | 4      | a |
| {A, S, C} | {S, A} | {B}    | {A, S} | {A, C} | 5 |

So the string is in the language.